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Surya Dev who regulates kaal-Chakra

There is a mention in Rigveda:-

चित्रं देवानामुद् गादनीकं चक्षुमित्रस्य वरुणस्याणने ।

आप्राढ्यवा पृथिवी अन्तरिक्षं सूर्य आत्मा जगतस्तस्थुषश्चा॥

Which means, the Surya Dev is the supervisor of heavenly bodies, wind, vapours and fire or heat. He is present in heaven, on the earth and space by his influences. When at the zenith, he cannot be seen. He is the soul. He is sentient and also inert. It only proves that the Surya is the kingpin of our solar system.

Hence Surya Dev is the one to revolve the Kaal chakra and chandra Activate it by his sojourn into the Zodiac signs and nakshatra. In fact, the Universe is within Surya Dev's regulation and is indeed highly worthy.     

As regards to the Nakshatras, Surya Dev has deputized Chandra to deliver results as per the Sojourn of Chandra in Specific nakshatra which activates certain kind of Muhurtas. 

Whenever Chandra is in a specified Nakshatra, then worship to specified Devas are being performed as per their portfolios.

E.g.: -

  • Ashwani to Ashwani kumaras for longevity ; 

  • Bharani to Yama Dev to save from ‘apamrityu’ (premature death); 

  • Krittika to Agni for prosperity ; 

  • Rohini to Dsaksha Prajapati for Santaana and pashuvriddhi (For Bliss of Progeny and Growth of Animals) ;

  • Mrigashiras to Chandra for wealth and health; '

  • Ardra to Shiva for victory and fame ; 

  • Punarvasu to Aditi Devi for raksha( Protection ); 

  • Pushya to Brihaspati for Dhana and santaana (Wealth and Bliss of Progeny ); 

  •  Aslesha to Naga Devas to destroy fear and freedom and difficulties; 

  • Magha to Pitruganas (Ancestors);

  • Purva Phalguni/Uttara Phalguni to Aryaman and Bhaga (one of the 12 adityas for protecting inheritance, Fulfilment of desires, Getting desired Life partners etc:

  • Hasta to Surya Deva himself for anything and everything;

  • Chitra nakshatra to worship Tawsha for Rajya Phala (Gain of Assets /Town /Country/Village);

  • Swati to Vayu Deva for opulence; 

  • Vishakha to Indra and Agni for Dhana Dhaanya- tejas ; 

  • Anuradha to Mitra for endearing each and everybody; 

  • Jyeshtha to Indra for Uttama Guna (Extraordinary Qualities) ; 

  • Mula to Pitra and Nirruti for peace of mind and body resistance. 

  • Purvaashadha and Uttarashadha to Vishva devas for achieving fulfillment of wishes; 

  • Shravana to Devi Lakshmi for victory and fame besides opulence;

  • Dhanishtha to Vasu Devas for ‘bhayanivritti (Removing Fear) ; 

  • Shatabhisha to Varuna for excellent health and longevity. 

  • Purvabhadra to Ajaikapaada Rudra for Mukti for sure (Liberation) ; 

  • Uttara Bhadra to Ahirbudhnya Rudra for peace and balance of mind;

  • and Revati to Pusha for Pushti-shanti Dhriti Sampatti and Santati ;

(Pusha Who is regarded as the surveyor of all things, conductor of journeys and on the way to the next to the next world, etc.)

ॐ सूर्याय नम: I


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