The Mahabharat war occurred during the end of Dwapara Yuga, and thereafter Lord Krishna left his body right at the moment when Dwapara Yuga (the age of energy) turned into Kali Yuga (the dark age).
It was the hour of the day when the citizens/Public meetings used to be held up with the King wherein the People used to come with their grievances. So Maharaj Yudhisthir was on the throne waiting for people and his brother Bhim was at the entrance to the castle in the next room.
In the Janta Darbar-A person came and said to Bhim, “I've to see Yudhisthir, I;ve got a big issue and I can’t figure out how to sort this out.”
Bhim replied, “Oh. What is the problem man ?” The person said, “I have harvested grains and for security purposes I built a fence around it but now the fence is moving and inching closer to the harvested grains and the fence has now started consuming all my grains. I can’t figure it out. How can a fence do that?” Bhim replied, “Shew! I don’t know. Go and ask Yudhisthir.” So the man went in to speak with the King.
Then after some time another person came and said, “Oh God ! I've big problem ! I was having 4 full nectars of milk and I distributed it to three of my sons and I was expecting to have one nectar of Milk left for me but that is no more and it has disappeared. What is going on?” Bhim said, “Shew! I don’t know. Go and ask Yudhisthir.” Then another person came and said, “I have got a problem. What a problem! I have an elephant and we were walking along and we came to a needle. There is a hole in the needle so we walked through the needle but the tail of the elephant got stuck in the hole. I can’t understand it. What is going on?” Bhim said, “Shew! I don’t know. Go and ask Yudhisthir. He is good with these types of problems.”
Then a fourth person came and said, “You won’t believe what happened. I just can’t understand it. There was a mountain over there, just a little way away – a big pile of rocks, like boulders and rocks all piled up making a mountain with no vegetation, just one little vine – a small vine sticking out. I pulled the vine and the whole mountain collapsed. The whole thing collapsed! Finished! There is no mountain left. What is going on?” Bhim said, “Shew! I can’t figure it out. Go and ask Yudhisthir.” So that fourth person went to the King as well. In the Last, Bhim was waiting to hear from the persons when they came out what solutions had been given but none of them came out.
Then he thought, “I am curious here. I am going to go inside and find out for myself.” So, he went in. Yudhisthir was just sitting there on his own. And Bhim said, “So what happened with those four persons? What did you tell them?” Yudhisthir said, “Four persons? What four persons? Nobody has come to see me so far. I am just sitting here on my own. Tell me about these four men.” So Bhim said, “First person: He has harvested grains and made a fence around it, but the fence is moving in and eating the grains.” Yudhisthir sat up. He said, “Really? Tell me more.” “Second person: He had four nectars of milk. He poured it into three nectars and poured it back but there was One nectar of less Milk .” Yudhisthir sat up even more, “Really? Tell me more.” “Third: he has got an elephant. He went through a needle hole with the elephant and the elephant’s tail got stuck in the hole.” Yudhisthir sat up even more and said, “Get those men. Find them. Catch them. Lock them up.”
Bhim was totally bewildered, and he said, “What? What is going on here? Please tell me.” and Yudhisthir explained, “They are personifications of Kali-Purusha. But it is not Kali-yuga yet. It is still Dwapar-yuga. So, catch them. Lock them up. Don’t let them loose now.”
He explained, “The person with the encroaching fence represents the leaders, the governments. They are meant to protect the people from the thieves, but they become the biggest thieves. And then the nectar of milk poured into the three nectars for his sons but then you get less back. That is like children in Kali-yuga. The parents put so much effort into them and then when the children grow up, they just go their own ways, and they don’t reciprocate or give some proper respect to their parents. Then the third person – the elephant goes through the hole in the needle. It has to be a big hole, but his tail gets caught.” Yudhisthira said, “In Kali-yuga, many of the big government people, businesspeople, are big crooks but because they are so powerful, they can get away with it. And some poor little man does some little crime/fraud or something sinful and he gets caught and then there is a big story in the newspaper, ‘Fraudster is caught’”.
Then Bhim said, “What about the fourth man who pulled the creeper?” And Yudhisthir said, “Yes that is very good. He is showing that in Kali-yuga, even though it is a mountain of faults, just with one little thing –Just by chanting the name of the Lord Supreme the whole mountain of faults just collapses.”
Even though kaali-Purush is a wicked demon, He is Just doing his duty as per the Yug Dharma (Universal laws) . He dwells in the hearts of the bad people, forcing them to commit mistakes. Now Since the Aquarius sign (A Trik Sthan) is the 11th Zodiac, it contains all the maleficence of 6th House (Virgo) 6th to 6th , Therefore ,It is imbued with the pulsations of all sorts of misdeeds and mischiefs represented by Kaali-Purush so that lifecycle in this kaliyuga keeps on moving and since this is an Upachaya House hence everything tends to manifest here in increased proportions.
All these Fence,nectar etc. comes under the purview of Aquarius (i.e. 11th House) The symbol of Shatabhisha Nakshatra is an empty circle. This symbolisation for Satabhisha Nakshatra produces the idea of a circumferential fence that protects the inner being from outer space and any other danger out there. It even signifies the prevention from joining the outer and greater whole by holding it captive and separate.
Thereafter the nectar represents the Kumbha (Aquarius sign) which carries the pot with the nectar of immortality, Amrit, and has the ability to give life and overcome death. The maya illusions/Desires are represented by the 11th house.In our Sanaatana Dharma literature as to how easy it is to gain “Punya” in this Kali Yuga, as compared to the other previous Yugas. In the Kali Yuga, whatever can be attained with strenuous efforts over a period of a year, can be attained within a single day.

However, the catch point here is that- Kali Purusha would try to push us constantly into the “Maya” /11th house/Rahu . Although it might sound very juicy that it is easy to attain “Moksha” in this Kali Yuga, we should make the right effort towards attaining it, isn’t it? This is where the Kali Purusha plays a very important role. If our mind is strongly focused and channelized towards Bhagawan, Kali Purusha wouldn’t disturb us.
That's why to reach the Pisces( Moksha) there is lots of churning one has to undergo in the sign of Aquarius.