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The handover from Saturn to mercury is called a period of intense purifications. The Purifications Starts from Saturn MD and Rahu Antardasha and carries till the Entire dasha of mercury. Mercury Buddha rules the fortune of one’s karma and prarabdha of karma. He is the auditor of Saturn , Whatever task the person has performed good

/bad has to be reassessed/audited in the Mercury's regime. That's why many people suffer disappointments and challenges in their mercury MD/AD. Being the natural 3H - Buddha is very clever in assessing one's mental aptitude and thought processes. Sage Parashar ji has described Mercury as ''Endowed with an attractive physique and the capacity to use words with many meanings.

That's Why Mercury's Dasha always comes after Shani Dasha. Mercury secretly informs Shani about all the facts and findings of the karmas done by the native. Since Mercury is a convertible planet and rules Its Asterism falling in Watery sign it signifies Moksha after intense purifications.

How Mahadasha Works ?

First, the accumulated whole Sanchit Karma , then a small portion of it for this life Prarabhdha Karma, then even a smaller portion of it for today or for this moment Kriyaman Karma and Hence it is NOT the Prarabdha Karma (Mahadasha)that affects the transits (Kriyaman Karma) In reality it is exactly the other way round. It is the Transits(Kriyaman karma) that actually impact the results of Mahadasha(Prarabdha). In short, Your day-to-day karma is the decision maker of the future prospects. Since Mercury Rules the 6h (Prarabdha) and 8H signifies one's day to day routine and the Shadow of 8H is 3H ( Ruled by mercury) .

If the Prarabdha has been discharged by the individual (Dully checked by Saturn and audited by Mercury) then Ketu comes to play a role to give final liberation (12H).

प्रारब्ध पहले रचा, पीछे रचा शरीर ।

तुलसी चिन्ता क्यों करे, भज ले श्री रघुबीर।।

The human body is formed much after the formations of Prarabdha. It is the Prarabdha (Sufferings/6thHouse) which decides human Birth conditions , environment and Life.

From Capricorn (10H) the Sign of Prarabdha (Virgo-6H) is 9th means Prarabdha is bhagya of Karma. Prarabdha is created by our Karmas. The Karmas of today become our Prarabdha for tomorrow and help in creating the Aagami Karma. The sum total of all our Karmas from all the life time form the Sanchita Karma. That's Why Saturn is hard Task Master and Mercury is the Auditor as he has sharp memory and He can not forget easily and represents things with meticulous details that's Why for Virgo the 6H is ruled by Saturn and For Capricorn ( One's karma) has Gemini( The Intelligent Mercury rules the 6H/Prarabdha) .

The Dasha Handover from Saturn to mercury is tricky and full of convulsions especially when the native's karmas are not straight. Some people Complaint about mercury that this Dasha is worse than Saturn's Period. If Mercury is placed in Serpent Decanate then the dasha of Mercury is quite challenging. A Strong Jupiter in the natal chart ensures attainment of a Rank in the end part of the Dasha But the handover to mercury is initially causes lots of tribulations esp when the Transits are unfavourable , Level 2 and level 3 Dasha Systems are heading south. In this scenario, generalized assumptions based on singular planet and basic level of dissections can be dangerous and illusionary. The Final outcome of a dasha has to be ascertained in accordance with the other planetary alignments ,Ongoing dashas etc.

During the native's lifetime if the native is engaged in Pious deeds and not engaged in any kind of illegal /sinful act then mercury dasha generally confers auspicious results too.

Precautions and Affirmative steps for smoothly sailing the Mercury MD/AD:-

i) Do not be carried away by sentiments.

ii) Be smart and quick in actions

ii) Focus on your health and do not undertake many varieties of work.

iii) Put an end to self boasting.

iv) Work with determination till you finish the undertaking and do not do anything by fits and starts.

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